Killed in Gaza
List of known victims with their arabic name, english name, birth date, gender, and ID number. Derived from a list issued by health officials in Gaza. Available in JSON and CSV formats.
Press Killed in Gaza
List of known journalist victims in Gaza with their arabic name, english name, and notes.
Summary Data
The latest information from our other datasets. For time series data, it'll have the latest cumulative values. For others it'll have metadata on composition or timeliness. Available in JSON format.
Daily Casualties - Gaza
Daily reports on casualties in Gaza including number of people killed, injured, and number of events leading to multiple deaths. Also has breakdown by women, children and if medical personnel, first responder, or press.
Daily Casualties - West Bank
Daily reports on casualties in the West Bank including number of people killed and injured and how many of those were children. Also includes number of Israeli settler attacks.
Infrastructure Damaged
Daily reports on the impact of IDF attacks on civilian infrastructure in Gaza, resulting in partial or total damage.