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3 مقالات موسومة ب "daily-casualties"

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· 1 دقائق قراءة

The Gaza Ministry of Health has started reporting some days for 48 hour periods on a consistent basis, with the last two dates being August 17th (with no report on August 16th) and August 12th (with no report on August 11th).

In the event of a skipped reporting date like the scenarios noted above, you'll see a new report_period field indicating 48 hours for the consolidated report and 0 hours for the skipped report. For example: August 17th would have 48 hours and August 16th would have 0 hours. We're maintaining the skipped report dates for consistency and to reflect the cumulative values on those dates regardless of a report presence.

All existing report dates covering 24 hour periods will have a value of 24 for report_period.

· 2 دقائق قراءة

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) announced today in their regular Flash Update that their reporting frequency would be changing from the cadence we've grown used to.

For the West Bank in particular, for which our dataset is affected, Flash Reports will only be issued on a weekly basis and the wider report on the region will be issued at most three times a week.

Going forward we will continue to update our daily datasets for Gaza and the West Bank at the same time, but we've now introduced a new field to the West Bank daily casualties dataset called flash_source. This field will be one of the following values:

  • un which indicates that the values for the given date were reported in a UN OCHA Flash Update for that date; or
  • fill which indicates that the values were from a UN OCHA Flash Update for a prior date

If a subsequent update includes specific information for a date we previously marked as fill that allows us to provide more accurate numbers, we will update previously reported days in the time series where more specific values are available. For the most part, "fill" values will just be the last reported values for the latest report date where flash_source is equal to un.

· 1 دقائق قراءة

In a continuing effort to provide data that can be used to tell the Palestinian story since October 7th, we're adding a new Daily Casualties dataset for the West Bank. This dataset aims to complement our existing time series for Gaza so that they can be combined as needed.

We aim to update both datasets daily at the same time, and their latest values are now also reflected in a new V3 version of our Summary dataset. You can still access the existing V2 summary dataset and we will continue to update it as before, but we encourage upgrading.