انتقل إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

اسماء الشهداء

اسمًا 20,390


مجموعة البيانات متاحة كمصفوفة JSON واحدة تحتوي على كائن لكل شهيد:

killed-in-gaza.json killed-in-gaza.csv






Each record will have the following fields:

nameoriginal arabic name from the source list
en_nameenglish name translation
idunique string (do not depend on format, it may change)
dobdate of birth: string in YYYY-MM-DD format, or empty string if not available
sexstring of one of m for male or f for female
ageage as a number or -1 if unavailable


The file is updated when a new list is released by Gaza's Ministry of Health.

Last updated as of January 5th for hospital reporting in the South and November 2nd for the North.

Additional details about the list provided by the ministry:

  1. The missing persons and the bodies of those trapped under the rubble were not counted.
  2. The unidentified people who arrived at hospitals were not counted.
  3. The unidentified persons whose bodies were handed over by the occupation were not counted.
  4. Those who were buried by their families without passing through hospitals were not counted.
  5. The victims in Gaza and North Gaza were not counted after the date of stopping the information system in November.